Tag: women in ministry

When Our Gospel Locks People Out

When Our Gospel Locks People Out

The church is a powerful, God-designed agent of His Kingdom on earth. When the body of Christ responds in fullness of sacrificial surrender to God and others, the church is the catalyst for the fruit of the Spirit made manifest within creation. Yet the church 

The Bible is Like Granola

The Bible is Like Granola

I’m notorious for selectively eating things. Before I had diabetes, I would pick out the cookie dough chunks from the cookie dough ice cream (and I would try to smooth the gaping holes over as though my family were idiotic enough to believe that Breyer’s 

Taylor Swift and My “To Disappoint” List

Taylor Swift and My “To Disappoint” List

I just watched the new Taylor Swift documentary “Miss Americana” on Netflix. Though my life is so far removed from Taylor’s I found myself choked up by the parts of her journey that overlap my own. She talks about the need to please people- the 

You.  The Brave Pioneer.

You. The Brave Pioneer.

Do you ever feel like you can’t quite find the category that you fit into? I’m currently doing a Facebook live video series with my dad on women in the church to facilitate a healthy discussion on God’s heart, our response, and why any of