Tag: vision

What the Pandemic has taught me about People-pleasing and Procrastination

What the Pandemic has taught me about People-pleasing and Procrastination

What happens when you take a recovering people-pleaser and chronic approval addict and take away the majority of the people from her life? She gets a wide open space, suitable for both flailing and dreaming with nobody watching. And it turns out, some things actually 

Life Coach

Life Coach

Do you ever feel like you know exactly what you need but have no idea how to get it? I finally finished reading “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek I highly recommend this book, if you have any desire to clarify your purpose and vision 

When Busyness Numbs What Matters Most

When Busyness Numbs What Matters Most

You could say I’m going through a “busy” season.  Here’s a list of reasons why: My kids are home on summer vacation. There’s 3 of them. I just published a book and have a launch party this Friday, July 27th. My schedule is packed with