Tag: self-publish

10 Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Before I Self-Published

10 Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Before I Self-Published

I have to apologize to you all- I fully intended to give you 4 posts chalk full of writing tips and (possibly) brilliant advice on self-publishing in September.  But I seem to have hit a writer’s slump?  Writer’s amnesia? Writer’s b….bl…. man, it’s right on 

Is Self-Publishing For You? (Ask the Author Post 2)

Is Self-Publishing For You? (Ask the Author Post 2)

Welcome back to my Ask the Author series, where I’m sharing a bit about my writing and publishing process. Today I’m going to tackle these two awesome questions sent in by my friend: 1. What are the benefits of self publishing by book vs. using 

You Need Editors to Save You From Ant-Trafficking

You Need Editors to Save You From Ant-Trafficking

Writing a book is scary, people. It’s scary because you don’t know where to start or how you’ll finish.  You might have a gazillion ideas but they refuse to be orderly and go where you tell them to.  (Much like children.)  Or you might sit