Tag: live boldly

You.  The Brave Pioneer.

You. The Brave Pioneer.

Do you ever feel like you can’t quite find the category that you fit into? I’m currently doing a Facebook live video series with my dad on women in the church to facilitate a healthy discussion on God’s heart, our response, and why any of 

The Lie of Inevitable

The Lie of Inevitable

To say that cleaning is my top priority in life would be a gross exaggeration blatant lie. Yes, I know how to wield a mop; I’m just not willing to accept the battle of the floor to begin with. And I’m no stranger to dirty 

Advent Video Series on God’s Promises

Advent Video Series on God’s Promises

I hope you’ve all enjoyed your Christmas day! Here at our house we’re knee deep into our lego sets and puzzles, and I’m already dipping into my coffee loot. But what did you expect? Despite feeling a bit under the weather, I’ve truly been savoring