Tag: lesstobemore

From Silent to Speaker

From Silent to Speaker

People are often surprised when I tell them I still get nervous before I speak in front of churches or groups. Sure, those nerves can point us inward in fear that we won’t be enough, but they can point us outward to dependence on the 

To Call God a Liar

To Call God a Liar

There’s nothing quite like a good bout of discouragement. You can’t help breathing in the sweet aroma of suffering, savoring each sip of uncertainty. Nothing beats the warm fuzzies of financial or medical crisis, or the melodious moments of family division and dissonance. We can’t 

Advent Video Series on God’s Promises

Advent Video Series on God’s Promises

I hope you’ve all enjoyed your Christmas day! Here at our house we’re knee deep into our lego sets and puzzles, and I’m already dipping into my coffee loot. But what did you expect? Despite feeling a bit under the weather, I’ve truly been savoring 

The Goodness of God (Hope Church Spoken Word)

The Goodness of God (Hope Church Spoken Word)

Our God is worthy of His name because His name encompases His eternal identity and He proves His identity to us over and over again.  Every name of Jesus represents His good heart. Healer. Redeemer. Hope. Savior. Hiding Place. We can place our hope in 

Starbucks Gift Card Contest!!

Starbucks Gift Card Contest!!

Pssst…I know you like free coffee.  And if you don’t (which might be a dealbreaker on our friendship), I’m sure you at least know of someone who would hug you a gazillion times for sharing a gift card with them. You should know…this is my 

My Ebenezer Board: A Hunt for Blessings

My Ebenezer Board: A Hunt for Blessings

“Another snow day and I’m desperate to get out of the house!” “The kids are sick AGAIN.  Can’t catch a break.” “Why do I bother getting the mail? It’s always another bill.” “Starbucks took away another sugar free drink…I’m pretty sure they hate me!” I’m 

The Thief Called “Not Enough”

The Thief Called “Not Enough”

I’m currently writing a book about living powerfully purposeful lives not because of what we do but who we are and who we reflect. It’s a book about not striving, not comparing, not trying to measure our worth by the world’s standards.  So freeing. Ha.