Help! Is My Kid Broken or Am I?

Help! Is My Kid Broken or Am I?

Angry little voices broke the veil between reality and whatever vague dream my sleepy mind wandered in.  I yelled one of those pointless things we say as parents when we our plans don’t include dealing with petty and ridiculous now or ever.  “Everyone just work it out!” I scanned 

Wanted: Failing Moms

Wanted: Failing Moms

I stifled my suffocating emotions as I cuddled the boy I’d reduced to frightened tears only moments before.  It didn’t matter that he had pushed all my buttons.  It didn’t matter that he’d angrily pulled the dresser drawers onto his bed and had plastered the floor with 

Parenting SOS!

Parenting SOS!

“Honey, put down the markers, we don’t color on ourselves…or the wall..or the floor…just paper.  PAPER!!  Is that so difficult a concept?” “If your sister says stop, then STOP!” “When we get in the car, we sit down and we buckle up.  I shouldn’t have 

What We Find in “Losing It”

What We Find in “Losing It”

This morning I had an appointment scheduled with a nurse at my new Endocrinologist office.  Trust me, I’d thought through the day- I was going to knock out three birds with one stone, stopping first at my doctor for 10am, then picking up my contacts while 

The Week My Compassion Broke

The Week My Compassion Broke

You know those blog posts that start with a problem and end with a cute little moral, a “you-can-do-it” pep talk, or at least an inspirational quote with a gorgeous panoramic picture? I know you’re starting to feel a little warm and fuzzy at the 

Dear Anarchist Sons

Dear Anarchist Sons

Dear Anarchist Sons of Mine (age 3 and 6 respectively), Where to start?  Your attention spans are short, so I’ll begin by saying the important: I’ll love you in and out, through and through till the day I die.  This, however, is because my love isn’t a 

The Secret Life of a Stay-At-Home-Mom

The Secret Life of a Stay-At-Home-Mom

Mom. It’s a wonderful role.  But when you stay at home any number of days with your kids, sometimes the daily things become a bit monotonous.  We say children have active imaginations, but I’d like to think we stay-at-home Moms and Dads let our imaginations 

Summer Stalling…

Summer Stalling…

Summer is here and somehow having no schedule is just as stressful sometimes as keeping up with the weekly school routine.  At least for a person like me who does not plan things out ahead of time. I have a few things penciled in here 

From A Stay-at-Home Mom, With Love

From A Stay-at-Home Mom, With Love

Dear Husband, Sometimes when you come home from work I seem frustrated.  Sometimes I attack you with too many complaints about screwing on the soda lids so darn tight, or I greet you quickly between throwing sauce on a pizza and sending one of the