Topsy Turvey Week

Topsy Turvey Week

It has been one of those weeks.  My son has had flu symptoms since Friday night, and only just last night started to seem better.  So that’s three full days and nights of a miserable boy and panicking mom (including a frantic trip to the 

The Tangled Philosophy of a 3 Year Old

The Tangled Philosophy of a 3 Year Old

Babies are easy.  OK, they are not “easy” what with all the pooping, late night feedings and bouts of incessant screaming.  But in retrospect, taking care of a baby is essentially about meeting physical needs- the bonding and emotional warmth are usually a part of 

Help!  I’m Living With a 3 Year Old!

Help! I’m Living With a 3 Year Old!

I love babies.  I think they are adorable.  I love their little coos- I love their dimpled fingers and tiny little toes.  But more than their itty-bitty-ness, I think I love that they stay where you put them (at least they can’t climb stairs) and