My “Awkward Christian Moment”

My “Awkward Christian Moment”

Every year our adoption agency hosts a summer picnic with an exotic-to-us playground, food treats galore, and the whimsical highlight for my kids: Derek the magician.  (AMAZING every year) This year, just before the magical performance, one of the picnic-goers raffled off a couple of 

Beauty in the Season

Beauty in the Season

We were running late. I should know by now that running late to anywhere with three kids spells trouble. We were halfway to our destination when I heard a pitiful whine from my six year old daughter in the back seat: “We forgot my tambourine! 

But I’d Rather…

But I’d Rather…

Raising kids in this world is difficult, and the global events of the last month alone are enough to add fear to any mother’s heart.  Combine with that fear the pressure to meet our current culture’s thoughts on what it means for a child to 

Mom’s Dictionary

Mom’s Dictionary

…a work in progress.   Please feel free to add your own! converruption [kon-vuh-ruhp-shuh n] (n.): A verbal exchange between two or more parents that feels choppy, incomplete, or overly superficial due to frequent distractions/interruptions by childrencrankappy [krangk-app-ee] (adj): Used to describe a child’s mood when it alternates rapidly between cranky 

The Parent Dare

The Parent Dare

So many parenting books are theoretical- “this is what you can expect from a newborn who has night and day confused, this is behavior you might expect from a stubborn toddler when you take away his treat”, etc.  But what we really need is a 

The Secret Life of a Stay-At-Home-Mom

The Secret Life of a Stay-At-Home-Mom

Mom. It’s a wonderful role.  But when you stay at home any number of days with your kids, sometimes the daily things become a bit monotonous.  We say children have active imaginations, but I’d like to think we stay-at-home Moms and Dads let our imaginations 

Q & __ (When I Can’t Find the Answers)

Q & __ (When I Can’t Find the Answers)

One thing I’m not sure I was fully prepared for with parenthood is all the questions.  Kids ask all kinds of questions- deep probing ones about why things work- about God or prayer, “Why do you keep praying for that every day, Mommy?”;  innocuous questions 

I’ll Never Regret…

I’ll Never Regret…

I’ll never regret giving up money that goes to sponsor a child in an impoverished community- even if giving only makes me realize how much more is needed.   I’ll never regret holding my tongue in an argument and compromising, even if I feel entitled 

Summer Stalling…

Summer Stalling…

Summer is here and somehow having no schedule is just as stressful sometimes as keeping up with the weekly school routine.  At least for a person like me who does not plan things out ahead of time. I have a few things penciled in here 

From A Stay-at-Home Mom, With Love

From A Stay-at-Home Mom, With Love

Dear Husband, Sometimes when you come home from work I seem frustrated.  Sometimes I attack you with too many complaints about screwing on the soda lids so darn tight, or I greet you quickly between throwing sauce on a pizza and sending one of the