What Twinkies Taught Me About Human Dignity

What Twinkies Taught Me About Human Dignity

“Fat people gotta eat!” she said as she poked around an end of aisle snack food display at the grocery store.  She’d been talking half to herself, half to my three year old son who has the innocence and charm to engage many a stranger. 

Help! Is My Kid Broken or Am I?

Help! Is My Kid Broken or Am I?

Angry little voices broke the veil between reality and whatever vague dream my sleepy mind wandered in.  I yelled one of those pointless things we say as parents when we our plans don’t include dealing with petty and ridiculous now or ever.  “Everyone just work it out!” I scanned 

Wanted: Failing Moms

Wanted: Failing Moms

I stifled my suffocating emotions as I cuddled the boy I’d reduced to frightened tears only moments before.  It didn’t matter that he had pushed all my buttons.  It didn’t matter that he’d angrily pulled the dresser drawers onto his bed and had plastered the floor with 

How To Leave Your Vacation in 10 Steps (Vacation Days 7/8)

How To Leave Your Vacation in 10 Steps (Vacation Days 7/8)

Sweet Connecticut!!!! (Aaaand, now I’m going to have This Song in my head the rest of the week.) We are finally home after leaving Virginia Beach yesterday and coloring all over the dining room mirrors of my friend’s house where we stayed the night. But I’m 

Hiding from Vacation (Vaca Day 6)

Hiding from Vacation (Vaca Day 6)

Well CT, Tomorrow we’ll be returning to you and I’m starting to feel it.  The “it” of swimming in anything but normal, without the floatie of routine or consistency.  I’m feeling the lack of sleep, and questioning the sanity of my decision to combine a back to back late evening of gaming 

Three Ships to Neptune (Vaca Day 5)

Three Ships to Neptune (Vaca Day 5)

Hi Again CT, Miss us yet?  It’s been five days, not that you’re counting or anything.  Virginia decided today that we’d hung out together enough for her to be vulnerable and really be herself…so we got a scorcher.We might brave the beach later.  You know, 

Son of a Beach (9 Problems With Paradise: Vaca Day 4)

Son of a Beach (9 Problems With Paradise: Vaca Day 4)

Don’t judge me CT….I love the ocean- really I do.  But there are just a few minor issues I have with paradise.  So I made a quick list:1. Rental coffee cups. (The one of the left.) For some reason, most of the lake-house or cottage rentals I’ve 

Beach Blitz Breakdown (Vaca Day 3)

Beach Blitz Breakdown (Vaca Day 3)

Hey CT… Short post today- this Mom is tired.  I thought I’d break down the way my 3 kids have tackled this beach thing.   Youngest to Oldest, here goes: My 3 year old: This normally fearless kid has always been highly suspicious of water.  No 

Mom Vacation Confessions (Day 2)

Mom Vacation Confessions (Day 2)

Hello Again CT, I really should have mentioned where we were headed in my last update.  Oops.  Mom details.  As I write this now, we’ve arrived at our destination: Virginia Beach! Our morning in the hotel was basically… The Good: The waffle machine worked!!  Free 

Vacation Confessions (Day 1)

Vacation Confessions (Day 1)

Dear CT, I’m writing home to tell you how my husband and the 3 kids are doing since we left.  You know, all of 7 hours ago.   Has it only been that long? Here are some things I learned so far: If you try to