A Very Covid Foster Process

A Very Covid Foster Process

Between my lackluster performance as a homeschool mom distance learning aid, and my recent inability to operate a calendar, I’ve been a bit behind on our foster adoption updates! When social distancing first began in March, we were just two classes away from finishing our 

10 Isolation Confessions: Some Humor for Those at Home

10 Isolation Confessions: Some Humor for Those at Home

You guys…. (Sorry. I totally just lost my train of thought. Nope- that’s not even true. My train of thought derailed about two weeks ago, and is probably stuck in a ditch or river somewhere. I looked up images for derailed trains; it’s not pretty.) 

The Bible is Like Granola

The Bible is Like Granola

I’m notorious for selectively eating things. Before I had diabetes, I would pick out the cookie dough chunks from the cookie dough ice cream (and I would try to smooth the gaping holes over as though my family were idiotic enough to believe that Breyer’s 

Adaptability and the Root in the Rock

Adaptability and the Root in the Rock

I shuffled into a line at my daughter’s school behind other parents, each concealing our emotions over the coronavirus with varying degrees of success. One woman barely made eye contact while murmuring, “I can’t believe this is happening.” Some were quiet; others, like myself, were 

An Invitation to My Insecurity: Pre-Adoption Post #2

An Invitation to My Insecurity: Pre-Adoption Post #2

Happy New Year! I promised you all adoption updates in real time, and I admit I’m slacking slightly. We had our foster orientation in December and our first official class last night. Aside from getting in a three-car-fender-bender on the way home from orientation (neither 

The Adoption Advent

The Adoption Advent

The Christmas Advent tradition has become entangled with the slow, out-of-control adoption theme in my life. It’s fitting that I’m writing this in the first days of advent, when we embrace the expectation of a child planned and promised ages before His due date. Generations 

The Most Dangerous Theology

The Most Dangerous Theology

When I was young, my family would make a yearly trek from our winter wonderland in Massachusetts, to have a green Tennessee Christmas with extended family. I loved the road trip games and Yoohoo drinks my dad bought for the journey. (What was I thinking? 

A Seat at the Table:(Wo)Man Flourishing

A Seat at the Table:(Wo)Man Flourishing

I recently invested hours reading theological arguments defining roles of women in the church (by Matt Chandler and his church) and listened to an interview with Gospel Coalition members Tim Keller, John Piper and Dale Carson. (Is that not what most stay-at-home moms do in