The Thief Called “Not Enough”

The Thief Called “Not Enough”

I’m currently writing a book about living powerfully purposeful lives not because of what we do but who we are and who we reflect. It’s a book about not striving, not comparing, not trying to measure our worth by the world’s standards.  So freeing. Ha.  

I’m Thankful for Friends Who Talk Adoption

I’m Thankful for Friends Who Talk Adoption

“You know your Mom’s not your real mom,” he quipped casually. My heart nearly tripped as the words rounded the corner from the room where my older kids were playing with a friend. “You’re adopted,” he continued. “Your mom’s not your real mom.” “We’re not 

This is Not My Country

This is Not My Country

I’m proud of my Home Country.  But it’s not the one you’re thinking of. My Home isn’t subject to geographical boundary lines. It doesn’t belong to one race or culture, but encompasses all. It doesn’t diminish or even elevate some individuals over others- it is 

Wait. Remain. Rest.

Wait. Remain. Rest.

Why has it taken me so long to post in the new year?  I could blame it on all the transition around me, a post for another time, but the truth is I’ve simply been a bit stuck.  Kind of in a funk.  2016 felt like 

Call it Creativity?

Call it Creativity?

It was Tuesday morning, circa 8:50am: homeschool co-op day was upon us, where I’ve been entrusted with an hour of activities and playtime for the boisterous toddler set.  Except I had no activity planned. My fully-adult baby brother and sister came to visit the night 

Being the Oreo Cream

Being the Oreo Cream

Are you a “middle” person? That’s me. I started my career as a neutral middle person during recess at my cozy Massachusetts elementary school.  I don’t feel like recess was sufficiently long for third grade drama to incubate and hatch into full-blown silence treatment- but what 

When Your Role-Shifter is Stuck

When Your Role-Shifter is Stuck

I’m a wife- a mom- a sister- a writer- a coffee drinker- a fan of Tom Selleck. (But that’s probably for another post.)  I’m lots of things simultaneously, because…well, aren’t we all?  Some of who I am overlaps neatly: coffee, for instance, can work quite 

Two Lies and the Truth

Two Lies and the Truth

Lies don’t get us where we need to go.  Lies are by definition false- and when we follow things that are false, we end up disillusioned, at empty destinations.  Lies don’t always look bad- they promise us the very thing we want most, but they