Beauty in the Season

Beauty in the Season

We were running late. I should know by now that running late to anywhere with three kids spells trouble. We were halfway to our destination when I heard a pitiful whine from my six year old daughter in the back seat: “We forgot my tambourine! 

But I’d Rather…

But I’d Rather…

Raising kids in this world is difficult, and the global events of the last month alone are enough to add fear to any mother’s heart.  Combine with that fear the pressure to meet our current culture’s thoughts on what it means for a child to 

My Elusive Easter

My Elusive Easter

Easter morning, 8:00am:  I was still lying down, savoring a bed to myself, trying to catch up on missed sleep from previous nights.  One of the first things that occurred to me as I rolled out of bed was that I forgot about our church’s 

The Parent Dare

The Parent Dare

So many parenting books are theoretical- “this is what you can expect from a newborn who has night and day confused, this is behavior you might expect from a stubborn toddler when you take away his treat”, etc.  But what we really need is a 

The Secret Life of a Stay-At-Home-Mom

The Secret Life of a Stay-At-Home-Mom

Mom. It’s a wonderful role.  But when you stay at home any number of days with your kids, sometimes the daily things become a bit monotonous.  We say children have active imaginations, but I’d like to think we stay-at-home Moms and Dads let our imaginations 

Save Your Marriage with Bad Day Points

Save Your Marriage with Bad Day Points

Life is just difficult sometimes, and in a marriage I’ve quickly learned that both myself and my husband have down days.  The real problem is when we both have a down day on the same day.  It’s one thing if he comes home from work 

From A Stay-at-Home Mom, With Love

From A Stay-at-Home Mom, With Love

Dear Husband, Sometimes when you come home from work I seem frustrated.  Sometimes I attack you with too many complaints about screwing on the soda lids so darn tight, or I greet you quickly between throwing sauce on a pizza and sending one of the 

Topsy Turvey Week

Topsy Turvey Week

It has been one of those weeks.  My son has had flu symptoms since Friday night, and only just last night started to seem better.  So that’s three full days and nights of a miserable boy and panicking mom (including a frantic trip to the 

The Tangled Philosophy of a 3 Year Old

The Tangled Philosophy of a 3 Year Old

Babies are easy.  OK, they are not “easy” what with all the pooping, late night feedings and bouts of incessant screaming.  But in retrospect, taking care of a baby is essentially about meeting physical needs- the bonding and emotional warmth are usually a part of 

Help!  I’m Living With a 3 Year Old!

Help! I’m Living With a 3 Year Old!

I love babies.  I think they are adorable.  I love their little coos- I love their dimpled fingers and tiny little toes.  But more than their itty-bitty-ness, I think I love that they stay where you put them (at least they can’t climb stairs) and