Blog Posts

When People Pleasing is Really About Controlling People’s Emotions

When People Pleasing is Really About Controlling People’s Emotions

I thought people-pleasing, by definition, was a selfless quality.  Granted, people-pleasing isn’t for the faint of heart.  It requires exhausting over-thinking, painstaking anticipation of emotional responses BEFORE they occur, and the compromising flexibility of a contortionist to bend into whatever agreeable shape is needed in 

My Plans Fell Apart So I Breathed Instead

My Plans Fell Apart So I Breathed Instead

Today was one of those days I had stacked precariously high with to-dos.  My kids had a half day for parent teacher conferences so I thought it would be the PERFECT time to visit a friend in MA that we haven’t seen in awhile.  Aside 

The Goodness of God (Hope Church Spoken Word)

The Goodness of God (Hope Church Spoken Word)

Our God is worthy of His name because His name encompases His eternal identity and He proves His identity to us over and over again.  Every name of Jesus represents His good heart. Healer. Redeemer. Hope. Savior. Hiding Place. We can place our hope in 

Thankfulness & Grace Space

Thankfulness & Grace Space

God has a funny way of bringing people together. Awhile back I posted about creating my “Ebenezer Board” which is about remembering God’s faithfulness in my life by physically keeping pictures of His goodness and provision as part of my living room decor.  Since that 

What the Labyrinth Taught Me About God’s Promises

What the Labyrinth Taught Me About God’s Promises

Well friends, I rediscovered these past two weeks that I’m not a super-human who can do all the things with no break. I have spent 10 of the last 16 days away from home, so I’ve been more scattered than usual.   November 2nd and 3rd 

The Cost of God’s Best Story for You

The Cost of God’s Best Story for You

“Your homework this week is to seek out difficult conversations.” My life coach had built me up and helped me pull out my mission statement, but then she left me with those jarring words.  Not only did she want me to respond boldly to difficult 

Life Coach

Life Coach

Do you ever feel like you know exactly what you need but have no idea how to get it? I finally finished reading “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek I highly recommend this book, if you have any desire to clarify your purpose and vision 

10 Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Before I Self-Published

10 Tips and Tricks I Wish I Knew Before I Self-Published

I have to apologize to you all- I fully intended to give you 4 posts chalk full of writing tips and (possibly) brilliant advice on self-publishing in September.  But I seem to have hit a writer’s slump?  Writer’s amnesia? Writer’s b….bl…. man, it’s right on