Mom’s Dictionary
converruption [kon-vuh-ruhp-shuh n] (n.): A verbal exchange between two or more parents that feels choppy, incomplete, or overly superficial due to frequent distractions/interruptions by children
crankappy [krangk-app-ee] (adj): Used to describe a child’s mood when it alternates rapidly between cranky and happy, especially when a child is very sleepy.
delishgusting [dih-lish-guhs-ting] (adj): A food that is simultaneously tasty to one child, and abhorrent to another. (ex. Most of the meals that I make are delishgusting, but everyone seems to like pizza.)
facsimomile [fak-sih-mom–uh-lee] (n): A mother’s word or phrase that is an exact replication of what her own mother said when she was a child (ex. Because I said so!)
Hide and Seek (n): a little game mother’s play in which they inadvertently put down their coffee
and then search everywhere for it- the game is most commonly played repeatedly throughout the day
Insubordrain [in-suh–bawr–dreyn] (n): A kitchen sink drain that obstinately chooses to clog when you want it to drain, but prefers not to hold water when you want to do dishes in soapy water.
manipudelay [muh–nip-yuh-dih-ley] (v): the act of using stalling tactics to prolong or put off bedtime (ex. We love summer because the kids are so worn out at night that they almost never manipudelay.)
momery lapse [mom–uh-ree laps] (n.): Isolated instances when a mother cannot think clearly or forgets something obvious (ex: She tries to take her child to school on a well known holiday…such as Good Friday, or puts the car keys in the freezer.)
napclipse [nap-klips] (n): A very rare moment experienced by parents of multiple children in which each child not only takes a nap, but also naps at the same time as the other children (ex. During an unprecedented Monday napclipse, Tina not only finished the laundry, but also caught up on season four of Downton Abbey.)
persistenquisitive [per-sist-in-kwiz-i-tiv] (adj): Given to tenaciously asking “why” questions (ex. “When Lilly really starts annoying us with her ‘why’ questions we just say, ‘remember what happened to the persistenquisitive cat, honey.’ “)
Of course, I'm sure these are only scenarios you've "heard" of right ??? !!! 🙂 LOVE this !